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Alert: Rise in Dodgy Unlicensed Tradies in South Australia

Alert Rise in Dodgy Unlicensed Tradies in South Australia
Alert Rise in Dodgy Unlicensed Tradies in South Australia

Alright, here’s the lowdown on the latest from down under—South Australia’s buzzing because some cheeky tradies are knocking on doors, promising the moon but delivering a handful of mud. The Malinauskas Labor Government’s sounding the alarm: watch out for these dodgy, unlicensed crafties. They’ve got the stats to prove it, with complaints about unlicensed tradies—think plumbers and sparkies—up by a sharp 20%.

It’s a classic bait and switch, tempting you with low costs but leaving a gaping hole in both your wall and wallet. And once they’ve made a mess, you’ll spend a pretty penny setting things right, way more than if you’d gone with a pro from the get-go.

Here’s a hot tip: always check for a tradie’s license like it’s your day job. Whether it’s a business card or their online ad, that license number should be up in lights. No number, no deal. If you want to dive deeper or if you need to drop a dime on a dodgy tradie, check out Consumer and Business Services for the full scoop.

Stay sharp; don’t let the smooth talkers with their tool belts take you for a ride.

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